My Princess Quilt

My Princess Quilt

My Princess Quilt

70" x 70"

Fabric Requirements:

Crown Fabric -  1 2/3 yd 

Accent Fabric -  1 3/4 yd 

Background Fabric -  2 yd 

Binding - 1/2 yd


Cutting Instructions:

For the Crown fabric, cut:
(1) 10 1/2" x 10 1/2" square
(4) 11" x 11" squares for small half square triangles
(2) 21" x 21" squares for big half square triangles

For the Accent fabric, cut:
(4) 10 1/2" x 10 1/2" squares
(4) 30 1/2" x 10 1/2" rectangles

For the Background fabric, cut:
(8) 10 1/2" x 10 1/2" squares
(4) 11" x 11" squares for small half square triangles
(2) 21" x 21" squares for big half square triangles


Draw a diagonal line from corner to corner on the backside of each of the background half square triangle (HST) big and small squares.

For each set of the same size, lay the marked background square on the unmarked crown square, right sides together. Assemble as follows:

  • 4 Background and Crown small squares yields 8 HSTs.
  • 2 Background and Crown large squares yields 4 HSTs.

Sew a 1/4″ seam on each side of the diagonal line.

Cut on the diagonal line.

Press the small half square triangles and trim evenly to 10½”.

Press the large half square triangles and trim evenly to 20½”.

Following the diagram below, sew the sections together and the sections into a quilt!
