Sawtooth Wheel Block Pattern
- By American Quilter's Society
- May 17, 2022
Make a Sawtooth Wheel block using this free pattern and choose from three finished sizes! Instructions for the 6", 12", or 24" block sizes give you a wide range of design options for any project you want to make.
6” Sawtooth Wheel Block
Cutting Instructions
From the dark fabric, cut:
(4) 2” x 2”
(8) 1½” x 1½”
(4) 1” x 1½”
(4) 1” x 1”
From the light fabric, cut:
(4) 2” x 2”
(1) 1½” x 5½”
(2) 1½” x 2½”
(8) 1” x 2½”
(8) 1” x 1”
Half Square Triangle (HST) Unit
Mark the wrong side of the light 2” squares in half diagonally once. Lay a marked square over a dark 2” square, right sides together. Sew a ¼” from each side of the marked line. Cut apart on the marked line.
Trim unit to 1½” square. Make 8 light/dark HST.
Butterfly Unit
Arrange 2 dark 1½” squares and 2 light/dark 1½” HST, as shown below. Sew together into pairs, and then sew the pairs into a patch.
Butterfly unit measures 2½” x 2½” unfinished. Make 4.
Corner Unit
Sew a dark 1” square to the end of a light 1” x 2½” rectangle. Then sew a light 1” x 2½” rectangle onto a Butterfly unit, as shown below.
Sew the pairs together to make a Corner unit. Unit measures 3” x 3” unfinished. Make 4.
Flying Geese Unit
Mark the wrong side of a light 1” square in half diagonally once. Lay the marked square right sides together with a dark 1” x 1½” rectangle, oriented as shown below. Sew on the marked line. Trim a ¼” seam and press. Repeat on the other side with another marked light 1” square.
Make 8 dark/light 1” x 1½” Flying Geese units.
Center Sections & Row
Sew a 1” x 1½” Flying Geese unit to the end of a light 1½” x 2½” rectangle. Center section measures 1½” x 3” unfinished. Make 4.
Sew a 1” x 1½” Flying Geese unit to both ends of a light 1½” x 5½” rectangle. Center row 1½” x 6½” unfinished. Make 1.
Top & Bottom Rows
Arrange 2 Corner units and a center section, as shown below.
Sew together to make a row.
Row measures 3” x 6½” unfinished. Make 2.
Block Assembly
Arrange the top, center, and bottom row, as shown below, and sew them together.
The Sawtooth Wheel block measures 6½” x 6½” unfinished.
12” Sawtooth Wheel Block
Cutting Instructions
From the dark fabric, cut:
(4) 3” x 3”
(8) 2½” x 2½”
(4) 1½” x 2½”
(4) 1½” x 1½”
From the light fabric, cut:
(4) 3” x 3”
(1) 2½” x 10½”
(2) 2½” x 4½”
(8) 1½” x 4½”
(8) 1½” x 1½”
Half Square Triangle (HST) Unit
Mark the wrong side of the light 3” squares in half diagonally once. Lay a marked square over a dark 3” square, right sides together. Sew a ¼” from each side of the marked line. Cut apart on the marked line.
Trim unit to 2½” square. Make 8 light/dark HST.
Butterfly Unit
Arrange 2 dark 2½” squares and 2 light/dark 2½” HST, as shown below. Sew together into pairs, and then sew the pairs into a patch.
Butterfly unit measures 4½” x 4½” unfinished. Make 4.
Corner Unit
Sew a dark 1½” square to the end of a light 1½” x 4½” rectangle. Then sew a light 1½” x 4½” rectangle onto a Butterfly unit, as shown below.
Sew the pairs together to make a Corner unit. Unit measures 5½” x 5½” unfinished. Make 4.
Flying Geese Unit
Mark the wrong side of a light 1½” square in half diagonally once. Lay the marked square right sides together with a dark 1½” x 2½” rectangle, oriented as shown below. Sew on the marked line. Trim a ¼” seam and press. Repeat on the other side with another marked light 1½” square.
Make 8 dark/light 1½” x 2½” Flying Geese units.
Center Sections & Row
Sew a 1½” x 2½” Flying Geese unit to the end of a light 2½” x 4½” rectangle. Center section measures 2½” x 5½” unfinished. Make 4.
Sew a 1½” x 2½” Flying Geese unit to both ends of a light 2½” x 10½” rectangle. Center row 2½” x 12½” unfinished. Make 1.
Top & Bottom Rows
Arrange 2 Corner units and a center section, as shown below.
Sew together to make a row.
Row measures 5½” x 12½” unfinished. Make 2.
Block Assembly
Arrange the top, center, and bottom row, as shown below, and sew them together.
The Sawtooth Wheel block measures 12½” x 12½” unfinished.
24” Sawtooth Wheel Block
Cutting Instructions
From the dark fabric, cut:
(4) 5” x 5”
(8) 4½” x 4½”
(4) 2½” x 4½”
(4) 2½” x 2½”
From the light fabric, cut:
(4) 5” x 5”
(1) 4½” x 20½”
(2) 4½” x 8½”
(8) 2½” x 8½”
(8) 2½” x 2½”
Half Square Triangle (HST) Unit
Mark the wrong side of the light 5” squares in half diagonally once. Lay a marked square over a dark 5” square, right sides together. Sew a ¼” from each side of the marked line. Cut apart on the marked line.
Trim unit to 4½” square. Make 8 light/dark HST.
Butterfly Unit
Arrange 2 dark 4½” squares and 2 light/dark 4½” HST, as shown below. Sew together into pairs, and then sew the pairs into a patch.
Butterfly unit measures 8½” x 8½” unfinished. Make 4.
Corner Unit
Sew a dark 2½” square to the end of a light 2½” x 8½” rectangle. Then sew a light 2½” x 8½” rectangle onto a Butterfly unit, as shown below.
Sew the pairs together to make a Corner unit. Unit measures 10½” x 10½” unfinished. Make 4.
Flying Geese Unit
Mark the wrong side of a light 2½” square in half diagonally once. Lay the marked square right sides together with a dark 2½” x 4½” rectangle, oriented as shown below. Sew on the marked line. Trim a ¼” seam and press. Repeat on the other side with another marked light 2½” square.
Make 8 dark/light 2½” x 4½” Flying Geese units.
Center Sections & Row
Sew a 2½” x 4½” Flying Geese unit to the end of a light 4½” x 8½” rectangle. Center section measures 4½” x 10½” unfinished. Make 4.
Sew a 2½” x 4½” Flying Geese unit to both ends of a light 2½” x 20½” rectangle. Center row 4½” x 24½” unfinished. Make 1.
Top & Bottom Rows
Arrange 2 Corner units and a center section, as shown below.
Sew together to make a row.
Row measures 10½” x 24½” unfinished. Make 2.
Block Assembly
Arrange the top, center, and bottom row, as shown below, and sew them together.
The Sawtooth Wheel block measures 24½” x 24½” unfinished.
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