Hexie Daisies Course by Cheryl See
Supply List
Fabric: For table runner with sashing using ¾" hexies
Variety of yellows - ¼ yard total
Variety of oranges - ¼ yard total
Variety of reds - ¼ yard total
Variety of purples - ¼ yard total
Variety of blues - ¼ yard total
Variety of greens - ¼ yard total
Variety of yellow/greens - ⅛ yard total
Black - ½ yard
Border - ½ yard
Binding - ½ yard
Backing - ¾ yard
For hand stitching. Match color of fabric.
Other Supplies
(369) ¾" paper piecing hexagon shapes
(144) ¾" paper piecing half-hexagon shapes
(6) 1" paper piecing circle shapes
(36) 1" x ⅝" paper piecing oval shapes
FriXion® Pen or Marker
Needle for Hand Sewing
Appliqué Pins or Short Pins
Dritz® Fray Check
Bamboo Skewer
Batting Scraps
Fussy Cut Finder
Color Evaluator II
#13181 - Clover® Wonder Clips
Hole Punch
Light Box
#10710 - Cheryl See’s 18” Quilt Scroll
#11874 - Iron
#12136 - Ironing Mat
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